Paws Day Out - MS Pallya


More Details


  • Suitable for cats and dogs
  • Key ingredients include Indian Pennywort and Winter Cherry
  • Generally used for stressful events like travelling, increased noise levels etc.
  • Please consult a vet before using (esp. for dosage recommendations)
  • Check for possible allergens


  • Small Breed Dogs 1 to 2 tablets twice daily
  • Large Breed Dogs 2-3 tablets twice daily
  • Cats 1 tablet twice daily

Our TIP: On occasions like Diwali or other festivals that involve loud music or crackers, make sure your pet is in a safe space. Loud noises tend to scare dogs and in their panic, they often exit their home in an effort to get away from the noise. Cordon off a quiet space at home and ensure your dog is safe and stress-free. Keep an id tag on your pet.